Nakul's Homepage

Hello; Bonjour; Hola; Namaste; Guten Tag; Ciao

I, Nakul, doth revel in exploration and the acquisition of knowledge, aye, 'tis the pursuit of newfangled wonders that doth ignite my spirit. Maybe it is not just with me; humans are curious. 

I pursued my undergrad at the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay with a major in Aerospace Engineering and a minor in System and Controls Engineering.

I interned with Goldman Sachs Asset Management as a Quantitative Researcher in the Multi-Asset Solutions business and joined the same team after graduation.

I am a passionate traveller, an ardent explorer who craves novelty. I'm always open to new experiences, cultures, and ways of thinking.

Countries I travelled to so far:
China (Hong Kong & Macao), England, Mexico, Thailand, United Arab Emirates, United States :)